Discounted Legal Services for US Military and Veterans

Veteran owned businesses “employ almost 6 million Americans and generate more than $1 trillion in receipts.”

Did you know that according to the Small Business Administration “nearly one in 10 small businesses nationwide are veteran-owned”? That means there are nearly “2.4 million [veteran-owned] small businesses” across the country.

20% Off Your Entire Legal Bill

Law 4 Small Business is proud to support our troops by offering a military discount for the services of its experienced business lawyers. “A number of our clients have military backgrounds,” says Larry Donahue, attorney and founder of L4SB, P.C, “and without exception they pay their bills on time, are smart, extremely hard-working and follow our advice when it comes to legal issues for their business.” L4SB wants to do more to help our military clients and their businesses by offering a military discount on their entire legal bill. Active duty and former US military personnel will get twenty percent (20%) off their legal bills in return for allowing L4SB to publish their business in our online military client list. This military discount is available to new and existing clients.

How We Can Help You

L4SB can do contracts, dispute resolution, negotiations, trademarks, debt collection, forming your new company, and more. We make our services accessible, working without retainer fees and offering many flat-rate services. L4SB is comprised of licensed business attorneys and trained paralegals who work directly with you. As business owners and founders ourselves, we understand your business needs.

That’s right, L4SB is a law firm that works without retainer fees!

Please note that L4SB is a law firm dedicated to the legal needs of small business only. We do NOT possess expertise in military law, divorce, family or domestic issues.

Important Disclaimer: This discount does NOT apply to our flat-rate services that you can purchase online (because our fees are already heavily discounted), nor do they apply to out-of-pocket expenses, such as court costs, state fees, filing fees, etc).

Law 4 Small Business. A little law now can save a lot later.

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