How Do I Add New Owners to a LLC?
This is a good question, and the answer can be easy or it can be complicated. It also depends on the status of the existing LLC. Ask yourself the following...
This is a good question, and the answer can be easy or it can be complicated. It also depends on the status of the existing LLC. Ask yourself the following...
Question: I am considering forming a LLC in New Mexico or Wyoming with three partners, including myself. None of the partners are a resident of the US. No work will...
If you’ve just formed a company (or ordered a formation from us), congrats! You’ve just taken the first step of a very important, miles-long journey, that is establishing a business....
Yours is an interesting question, and much of the answer depends on what kind of LLC you’re forming (or have). If you’re forming a single-member LLC treated by the IRS...
Before I begin, please understand that the IRS has many rules that govern FEIN’s, when they are required and the issues behind applying for FEIN’s. If you want to get...
While it is possible to have an anonymous company, the truth of the matter is that company must be a limited liability company (or LLC). It cannot be a corporation....
Anonymity means keeping your name off the Internet. That doesn’t mean you can keep your name from vendors, utilities, banks, etc. Those folks are supposed to keep your information confidential,...