Author: Kameron Kramer

Kameron is an experienced business law and intellectual property attorney. With a technical background gained as a chemical engineer, Kameron uses his varied skills to provide general counsel and start-up services to many local and regional companies.

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What is Cyberquatting?

Cybersquatting is registering or otherwise using a website domain with bad faith attempt to derive benefit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.  This started when the...

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The Great Monkey Beer Trademark Dispute

Trademark disputes are common in the craft beer industry.  The abundance of craft beers all over the country results in similarly-named breweries and beers quite often.  While obtaining a federal...

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Big Trademark Win For Dot-Com Brand Names

New Supreme Court Ruling Is A Victory For Dot-Com. The US Supreme Court just ruled that ‘’ can be federally trademarked.  The USPTO had rejected the mark ‘’ as being...

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Why Can’t I Just Terminate My Lease?

Wanting out of your commercial lease does not mean you can get out. Needing to terminate a commercial lease comes up often, and especially now with the current situation in...