Author: Larry Donahue

prior art search

Prior Art Search

Did you know that you don't necessarily need an attorney or patent agent to conduct a prior art search?

improvement patent

Improvement Patents

Can you get a patent on an improvement to a patented device? They're called improvement patents!

patents 101 overview

Patents 101

L4SB explains the types of patents and how they can be utilized!

bad review social media 1

The Best Way to Deal With Bad Reviews

Dealing with Online Reviews Let’s face it, the reality is that an ever-increasing number of customers are finding businesses online. If you aren’t online (with a good site), you are...

surprise mail

Getting Sued? Lawsuit Survival

You Got Sued…now what? Getting sued is like a punch to the gut. You are going about your normal day and then WHAM! you “get served” or receive some sort...