Author: Larry Donahue

certificate of good standing banner

What is a Certificate of Good Standing?

No matter how old we get or how many businesses we own, we are never free of the dreaded “Report Cards” of life. As adult individuals we must concern ourselves...

6 problems to avoid in a contract

Contract Tip: Top 6 Problems in Contracts

No one likes to pay a lawyer, but it’s always good practice for a small business owner or leader to hire an attorney to review contracts before signing them. Even...

fiduciary liabilities 1

Fiduciary Liabilities and your Company

Introduction: At L4SB, we’re blessed to have many great clients in many industries. Some of our clients serve the business-to-business market, just as L4SB does. When appropriate, we may permit...

contract tip attorneys fees

Contract Tip: Attorneys Fees

The notion of the concept of “attorneys fees” sounds so self-serving coming from the fingertips of this small business lawyer. The thing is, if a contract has a fair-and-balanced “attorneys...

simple contract

The “Simple Contract”

If I earned a nickel every time someone asked me to provide a “simple contract,” I would be a rich man indeed. The problem is, when most people think of...

ihop is now ihob

IHOP is Now IHOB: Can it Work for Me?

IHOP versus IHOb IHOP recently pulled off a major marketing gimmick with their name change to “IHOb.” The change has drawn criticism from many, but it certainly got people talking....

publish anonymously under a pen name

How to Publish Anonymously Under a Pen Name

Not every budding author has the clout or penmanship of a Dr. Seuss, George Orwell or even Robert Galbraith, but many authors like the three mentioned, do want to write...

business entertainment and the TCJA

Business Entertainment and the TCJA

Congress recently passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Most people know that the TCJA was the biggest tax overhaul in about 40 years. Some provisions of the TCJA...

contract details are important

The Contract: Details are Important

Let’s say your business is expanding quickly and you are looking to hire a new employee. You are busy managing the day-to-day, so you don’t really have time to interview....