Trademark Intent to Use
Considering filing your trademark? Filing a Trademark Intent to Use could save you big when it comes to your trademark. A Trademark Intent to Use means...
Considering filing your trademark? Filing a Trademark Intent to Use could save you big when it comes to your trademark. A Trademark Intent to Use means...
As of 2016, Obama signed the Defend Trade Secret Act, turning trade secret violations into a federal issue rather than a state one.
You've paid someone to develop software for your business. But do you own the software copyright? Sadly the answer is not clear
What happens after you register your mark? Trademark renewal can help you avoid losing your mark.
Did you know that you don't necessarily need an attorney or patent agent to conduct a prior art search?
Can you get a patent on an improvement to a patented device? They're called improvement patents!
L4SB explains how contracts with an indemnity clause can lead to patent trouble!
A legal perspective on the most common forms of intellectual property infringement and how to avoid them.
Most business owners have heard of intellectual property, but do are you using intellectual property to protect business assets?
A domain name can be critical to branding your business. But do you know who owns your businesses domain name?
Protecting Your Copyright Per, a copyright is “A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States for “original works of authorship”, including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural,...