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Please contact us so that we may address your concern or issue. While we sure can’t promise to solve all your legal issues, we can do our best to explain the issues and help you.
If you would rather not deal with L4SB directly for complaints against it, the State Bar of New Mexico has a very helpful Client Information and Education area, where you can learn more about the client-attorney relationship, as well as file complaints against attorneys practicing law in New Mexico.
We are unbelievably satisfied with the services we received from Law 4 Small Business. Mr. Donahue was an answer to our prayers and is the perfect professional to have in your corner. His advice and knowledge were exactly what we needed and got us the best possible deal we could have hoped for. We will be certain to engage his services again in the future. You should, too!
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on dilspay!
Starting a small business in this ecomony with little business experience is a challenge. Working with Larry Donahue has proven to provide my company with a strong safety net to include not only professional advice but also a genuine concern and interest in helping us grow!
Any business seeking legal aid in the technology and internet sectors need look no further. L4SB’s professional legal counsel is armed with Larry Donahue’s internet sector experience and is a great resource for businesses seeking to tackle the legal complexities unique to their industry.
Having a growing business is exciting but it also has its challenges. I feel secure knowing that when I have a contract or other legal issue regarding my business that I have someone that I trust looking out for me and my company. I highly recommend Larry and his company L4SB.
Larry Donahue did exactly as he claimed. He was timely and very thorough with his work. Any small business needing legal counsel should utilize his skills, it is well worth it.
It was a good experience working with L4SB for me. They answered all my question about registering a business and trademark issues and did everything on time.
I am extremely happy we came across L4SB. They are very straight forward and answered all of our questions.