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What is a Work For Hire?

You may have encountered the language “work for hire” in a contract before. If you are a provider of services such as website design, graphic design, photography, branding, etc., then...

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Deepfakes and their legal implications

It’s hard to deny our affinity for creativity when it comes to enhancing selfies, vacation photos, or everyday moments with friends. Photo alteration, or manipulation, has been around for more...

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What is a “Poor Man’s Copyright?”

A lot of us have heard of a “poor man’s copyright” where you simply mail yourself something you want to have copyrighted. You then do not open the envelope and...

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What is Intellectual Property (IP)?

Intellectual property (IP) is a term that includes property that essentially comes from the mind, including trademarks, copyrights, patents, and, to a lesser extent, trade secrets. It is vital to...

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Protecting Intellectual Property

A Familiar Story Imagine creating something amazing. It’s well made and appreciated by your peers and shared among them. You spend time thinking and rethinking your work, making it better...

intellectual property 101 protecting your rights

Intellectual Property 101: The Different Types of IP

Intellectual Property 101- Considering the Different Types of IP Many small business owners are confused about intellectual property, or as the legal community calls it, IP. Unfortunately for many business...

atari sues nestle

Atari Sues Kit Kat for IP Infringement

Intellectual property is in the news again this week.  Atari, an iconic video game company, sued Nestle, alleging that Nestle committed IP infringement on its classic “Breakout” video game by...

copyright office announces new dmca agent rules

Copyright Office Announces New DMCA Agent Rules

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA“) protects businesses operating on the Internet (called “Service Providers”) from liability for copyright infringement for the actions of their users under certain conditions.  Whether...

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Small Business Copyright

Protecting Your Copyright Per, a copyright is “A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States for “original works of authorship”, including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural,...