What is a Foreign LLC or Foreign Corporation, and Why Should You Care?
Is your LLC or corporation doing business in another state? What do you need to know about establishing a foreign LLC or foreign corporation?
Is your LLC or corporation doing business in another state? What do you need to know about establishing a foreign LLC or foreign corporation?
When you’re a business owner (owning an LLC for example) and you’re looking to move to another state, a huge concern will be how to deal with your LLC in...
Looking to move your company? Make sure you watch this video before you do. Larry Donahue, Attorney and Founder of Law 4 Small Business (L4SB) reviews some of the potential...
The analogy I like to use with clients, is that when you form a company in one state, it’s like having a child in that state. You can certainly bring...
Definition A foreign limited liability company, or foreign LLC, is defined as a LLC that was formed in one state (i.e. its domestic state) and registered (as a foreign entity)...