small business law

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moving office l4sb blog

How To Transfer LLC to Different State?

Is it possible to transfer LLC to different state?  100%, yes. Is there one, sure fire way to go about doing it?  No. There are 4 Ways to Transfer LLC...

Cannabis cash l4sb blog

Considering a Cannabis Business in NM?

Attorney Larry Donahue set to be a Guest Speaker at local Expo. The Lucky Leaf Cannabis Conference will be making a stop in New Mexico on February 25th & 26th....

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What is Cyberquatting?

Cybersquatting is registering or otherwise using a website domain with bad faith attempt to derive benefit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.  This started when the...

google holiday sale

Cyber Holiday Sale All Week Long!

It’s Not Too Late to Save! Our Cyber Holiday Sale continues all week long! Now is your chance to give your business, (and yourself) a gift that will keep on...

Getting paid blog scaled 1

Time To Pay Up!

Easy and effective ways to make sure your business is paid what it is owed. Need some help collecting on a debt? Reach out to L4SB today for a consultation. We...

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LLCs: Exploring The Pros and Cons

Attorney Ian Alden leads this workshop that is a “MUST” for anyone who is not sure if an LLC is a good fit for their business. Law 4 Small Business, P.C. (L4SB)....

republicans v democrats l4sb blog

We are not Red States versus Blue States

As I write this, I have been an attorney for almost 27 years. In those 27 years, I’ve seen it all. Family dynasties torn asunder after the family matriarch or...