NM GRT is Changing Again on July 1, 2016!
New Mexico Companies – Your Gross Receipts Tax is Changing Again! Do you know what your Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) is? As a business owner, you are responsible for knowing...
New Mexico Companies – Your Gross Receipts Tax is Changing Again! Do you know what your Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) is? As a business owner, you are responsible for knowing...
Considering filing your trademark? Filing a Trademark Intent to Use could save you big when it comes to your trademark. A Trademark Intent to Use means...
Thinking of signing a franchise agreement? Read a lawyer's perspective on how to negotiate a favorable franchise agreement.
Law 4 Small Business, P.C. (L4SB) has extended its services to the Lone Star State with the opening of two new partner offices in Dallas and Houston.
As of 2016, Obama signed the Defend Trade Secret Act, turning trade secret violations into a federal issue rather than a state one.
Thinking of buying a franchise? Be sure to review the franchise agreements, since they may not be in your favor. It pays to carefully plan...
Are You Protected? We see it happen a lot. A business will set up a LLC, assume they are totally shielded from personal
Escaping The Ivory Tower of Business: Ditching the Corner office, revamping culture and taking your business to the next level. What are the most expensive words in business?
Did you know that you don't necessarily need an attorney or patent agent to conduct a prior art search?
Can you get a patent on an improvement to a patented device? They're called improvement patents!
New Offices Earlier this week, we here at Law 4 Small Business, PC, proudly announced the opening of two new branches. Announcing our new offices in Florida and Illinois! Because...
Law 4 Small Business is thrilled to announce the grand opening of two new offices in Chicago, IL and Tampa, FL! Do you need a Chicago Business Lawyer?