What is a sole-member LLC (or limited liability company)?
Decisions, Decisions When it comes to Business Structure, there is a maddening array of choices. Each has its own costs, benefits and downsides. It would take pages upon pages to...
Decisions, Decisions When it comes to Business Structure, there is a maddening array of choices. Each has its own costs, benefits and downsides. It would take pages upon pages to...
Discounted Legal Services for US Military and Veterans Veteran owned businesses “employ almost 6 million Americans and generate more than $1 trillion in receipts.” Did you know that according to...
Does Your Company Even Exist? As a business owner, you’ve done your homework. You have put your blood, sweat and tears into crafting your dream. You’ve registered with (seemingly) every...
Many of our blog articles are devoted to contracts and attempt to help educate our small business clients and prospective clients on the issues of contract law, as it pertains...
Law 4 Small Business offers tips on avoiding construction project disasters.
Within the last few months here at L4SB, several of our clients have encountered an alarming issue—that is being able to locate a reliable and authentic attorney. They delve into...
Nothing stirs the passions of a compassionate adult, quite like the thought of abuse to individuals who are unable to protect themselves, such as children, persons with intellectual disabilities, and...
What happens when business failure happens to good business? A lawyer weighs in.
It’s true. We are competing with LegalZoom. Seems almost outlandish that a law firm, with actual licensed, practicing attorneys possessing over 20+ years of experience each, would be competing with...
Starting your own small business can be an exciting if not intimidating endeavor. The failure rate for small businesses is generally 50 to 70% within the first 18 months. The...
The practice of law for small business covers substantive areas that are literally as varied as are the types to small businesses and the challenges they face. These potential areas...
Saturday, April 19, from 9am to 12pm We’re proud to announce our second event, this coming April 19th, 2014, at our office from 9am to 12pm. Our first event was...