Doing Business in California Anonymously
If you’re a resident of California and you want to do business anonymously, you need to be careful how you set up your company structure. The reason for this, is...
If you’re a resident of California and you want to do business anonymously, you need to be careful how you set up your company structure. The reason for this, is...
This is a good question, and the answer can be easy or it can be complicated. It also depends on the status of the existing LLC. Ask yourself the following...
Assuming your LLC is a multi-member LLC that has not elected to be taxed as a corporation, it is taxed by default as a partnership. Partnerships (and LLCs taxed as...
Trademarks are associated with a product or service, and products and services are distinguished by “Class Codes” which designate high-level categories that a particular product or service falls into. There...
US Federal Law requires that banks “know their customer,” which are called “KYC laws” in the business. To learn more, google “bank KYC laws”. These laws have been around a...
The quick answer is “yes,” but US federal law requires that banks “know who they are banking with.” Banks have varying policies on what that means, but in general, most...
Companies in the United States are taxable entities. How they are taxed depends on the designated “tax status”. This “tax status” occurs at the federal-level with the IRS, and the...
We get this question a LOT — more often than I would care to guess. The problem is, it’s really not an easy question to answer. A lot depends on...
At the end of the day, banks want to make sure the bank accounts they open on behalf of their customers are operating legally. This means, if you want a...
Question: I am considering forming a LLC in New Mexico or Wyoming with three partners, including myself. None of the partners are a resident of the US. No work will...
If you’ve just formed a company (or ordered a formation from us), congrats! You’ve just taken the first step of a very important, miles-long journey, that is establishing a business....
The short answer is “no, not really.” The longer answer is that you should consult with your CPA, to understand how certain types of income may need to be reported...