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Register One Trademark
$199.00For the base price of $199, L4SB’s licensed and experienced trademark attorneys will file your trademark application with the USPTO, consult with you on the proper class codes to use, help write effective descriptions, and conduct an exact-match federal search to maximize the value and strength of your trademark. The USPTO requires a filing fee of $225.00 per class code.
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Register Trademark – Word/Design Combo
$349.00$349 is our BASE PRICE to file two trademarks (word mark and logo) on your behalf. L4SB trademark attorneys will help you register your trademark, consult with you on the proper class codes to use, help write effective descriptions, and conduct an exact-match federal search. USPTO filing fees are extra, and cost $250/class code. This package addresses both the name (word mark) and logo (design mark) of your mark, and therefore represents two separate trademarks and with USPTO fees for two trademarks.
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