Entity Conversion
Need to either change the tax status or entity type of your company?
For a base price starting at $99 for Tax Conversion, L4SB will convert your LLC to a S-Corp or C-Corp. For a base price starting at $199 for Entity Conversion, L4SB will convert your LLC to a Corporation, or a Corporation to a LLC.
What’s Included:
For Tax Status Conversion Only:
- Help fill out and submit IRS Form 2553 (for S-Corp Election) or IRS Form 8832 (for C-Corp Election)
- Revised Operating Agreement to support the new Tax Status, using our Couture Operating Agreement generator
For Entity Conversions:
- Appropriate Articles of Conversion
- Conversion of Articles (i.e. from Incorporation to Organization, or visa-versa)
- If Corporation to LLC, access to our Couture Operating Agreement
- If LLC to Corporation, assistance with conversion of Operating Agreement to Bylaws / Shareholder Agreement
- Appropriate Corporate Resolution
- Review by a licensed attorney (not available in states where we are not licensed)
- 15 minutes of FREE Q&A with an experienced corporations attorney (may not be licensed in your state)
What’s NOT Included:
This is a low-cost offering, assuming there are no difficult issues to resolve (which would require additional expense for lawyer time). Examples of difficult issues to resolve include, but are not limited to:
- Handling change of ownership issues
- Resolving ownership or partnership disputes
- Significant revision to Operating Agreement or Bylaws / Shareholder Agreement, beyond what our expert computer systems are capable of doing