Register One Trademark


  • Grand Total (+tax):

SKU: FS-TM-REG Category: Tags: , ,


L4SB’s licensed and experienced trademark attorneys will register your trademark for you.

After you checkout with us, we will send you a link to our 5 minute trademark registration form. This is where you will provide our attorneys with the necessary information regarding your trademark.

What’s Included:

  • Case handled by a trademark attorney. Trademarks filed by attorneys have a significantly higher approval rate by the USPTO.
  • Federal exact-match search
  • Assistance with selecting proper industry classification codes. Proper class code selection is critical to ensure trademark strength.
  • Assistance writing descriptions which maximize the value and protection of your mark.
  • Proper filing with the US Patent & Trademark Office
  • Additional 15-minutes of FREE Q&A with an experienced trademark attorney.

What’s not Included:

  • Unless you select “Likelihood-of-Confusion Trademark Assessment” as an option, we cannot offer an opinion as to the level of risk the USPTO will reject your application based on a likelihood of confusion with a pre-existing trademark.
  • Only one (1) trademark registration is covered, no additional filings or registrations are included.
  • This service covers up to the submission of your trademark application, it does not cover any work that may be needed after the application is submitted, including but not limited to responses to Office Actions

Client understands and acknowledges that purchasing the services herein are subject to the following:

General Terms and Conditions

  • This service includes our preparation, processing and handling (valued at $199) of your trademark application, and the submission of your application. Our services are completed once your application is submitted.
  • We cannot guarantee that your desired trademark is available, nor that the application will be approved. The USPTO has many rules that will impact whether your trademark will be approved.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

  • THERE ARE NO REFUNDS. Once we receive your order, we begin processing it and incur fees. Depending on how far along the process we are in processing your trademark application, we reserve the right to determine (in our sole discretion) whether to apply any monies paid for the service for credit towards future services.
  • Note that our services INCLUDE preparation, processing and handling (valued at $199), even if we end up not submitting your trademark application to the USPTO (for whatever reason). Therefore, if we’ve spent time on your behalf in the preparation, processing or handling of your order, we reserve the right to deduct $199 from any refund you request or credit for future services. Preparation, processing and handling includes trying to contact you to verify and approve our work, even if you fail to respond to us.
  • We will cancel your order, at our discretion, if you are unresponsive or otherwise fail to answer our questions to our satisfaction.

This is a frequent concern for many of our clients. A class code is a high-level number representing the product or service the trademark is to be associated with. For example, if you are interested in selling jewelry and clothing, that would represent two class codes. If you were also going to have your own online store, that would be a third class code.

Our recommendation, if you don’t know, is to select two (2) class codes. We will work with you to properly identify your class codes, and if you need more class codes we will bill you separately, and of course, if you ultimately just need one class code, we will refund your money for the unused class code.

Typically, it will take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks to work with our clients, to get all the proper information to maximize the changes of a successful approval from the USPTO. Turnaround times depends on our backlog and your ability to turn around information quickly and accurately.

Once we submit the trademark application, it typically takes the USPTO around 6-7 months to review the trademark application and issue an approval or rejection. If approves, the USPTO will then take about 2-4 weeks to publish for opposition, which is a 30-day period that permits anyone to object to the trademark application. Assuming that doesn’t happen, it’s another 3-5 weeks to when the USPTO finally approves and registers the trademark.

There have been studies about the effectiveness of what’s called “pro se” applicants to the United Stated Patent and Trademark Office (or USPTO) for trademark applications.  Anyone doing it themselves, or hiring a service that doesn’t include licensed trademark attorneys, are considered “pro se” applicants.  The studies have shown that pro se applicants experience over an 80% rejection rate.  Applicants using licensed trademark attorneys experience a much lower rate of rejection.

Why?  Because trademark attorneys understand the issues and nuances required to win approval by the USPTO.  Pro se applicants simply don’t have the training.


At L4SB, you will be assigned a licensed trademark attorney to work with you on your trademark application.

When comparing L4SB prices to the “other guys,” make sure to ask them whether you will be working with a licensed trademark attorney.

A word mark is considered a better trademark, because it will protect the word no matter what logo someone attaches to it.  A logo mark is also good, but not as strong.  A logo mark protects the entire logo, words and all, and when considering infringing activity, you need to look at the totality of the logo to determine a “likelihood of confusion.”

In other words, just because you have words in your logo doesn’t necessarily mean those words are protected in all cases and instances.

Also, if your logo is primary a word or words, just stylized somehow, we would recommend a word mark over a logo mark.

Consider a trademark consult if you have questions about this, and want to talk to a trademark attorney.