L4SB’s licensed and experienced trademark attorneys will register your trademark for you.
After you checkout with us, we will send you a link to our 5 minute trademark registration form. This is where you will provide our attorneys with the necessary information regarding your trademark.
What’s Included:
- Case handled by a trademark attorney. Trademarks filed by attorneys have a significantly higher approval rate by the USPTO.
- Federal exact-match search
- Assistance with selecting proper industry classification codes. Proper class code selection is critical to ensure trademark strength.
- Assistance writing descriptions which maximize the value and protection of your mark.
- Proper filing with the US Patent & Trademark Office
- Additional 15-minutes of FREE Q&A with an experienced trademark attorney.
What’s not Included:
- Unless you select “Likelihood-of-Confusion Trademark Assessment” as an option, we cannot offer an opinion as to the level of risk the USPTO will reject your application based on a likelihood of confusion with a pre-existing trademark.
- Only one (1) trademark registration is covered, no additional filings or registrations are included.
- This service covers up to the submission of your trademark application, it does not cover any work that may be needed after the application is submitted, including but not limited to responses to Office Actions