Evaluate USPTO Notice

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1USPTO Documents
3Special Instructions
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Accepted file types: pdf, rtf, doc, docx, jpg, png, tiff, Max. file size: 32 MB.

    USPTO Documents to be Reviewed

    Please upload the USPTO notices you wish L4SB to look at, or if you prefer, you can wait until a representative of L4SB contacts you.

    • Grand Total (+tax):

    SKU: LS-CONSULT-USPTO-NOTICE Category: Tags: , ,


    PRICE IS PER NOTICE THAT WE REVIEW. L4SB will conduct a review of the USPTO Notice(s) to send to us, and let you know our thoughts including a quote for L4SB to represent you. Our review of your USPTO notice is not the same thing as a reply, and we will not reply without your approval to proceed and your agreement to let you represent you in the matter. If you send us your USPTO Notice within two (2) weeks of an important deadline, L4SB takes no responsibility for any late fees, penalties or extension costs required by the USPTO. THIS DOES NOT MEAN L4SB IS REPRESENTING YOU IN THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE NOTICE — THIS IS JUST A REVIEW OF THE NOTICE TO PROVIDE YOU A QUOTE.